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Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“As time goes on it is becoming increasingly clear that the concerns of innocent victims about the Sinn Fein/DUP plans for the Maze site are well founded. An answer which I received today from the Education Minister will compound those fears.

“I asked the Education Minister how his Department and schools will relate to, and use, the proposed Conflict Resolution Centre and prison buildings at the Maze site. O’Dowd responded telling me that the “Conflict Resolution Centre and prison buildings at the Maze site are likely to provide important educational opportunities for our young people”. He then went on to say that the Department could “facilitate the dissemination of materials produced by the Centre to schools” and likened this to work the Department of Education has already done with resources produced by the Imperial War Museum dealing with the Holocaust! Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“The outrageous decision of the Parades Commission to ban the return parade passed the Ardoyne shops has understandable grabbed the headlines. However, the bizarre decision to also ban a parade in Castlederg due to take place before an 11th Night Bonfire also deserves media scrutiny.

“I have been contacted by members of  Castlederg Young Loyalists Flute Band who are baffled and rightly outraged by the Commission’s decision to ban their parade along a section of a road which is overwhelmingly Protestant.

“There has been no controversy surrounding parades there in the past and the band suspect that the Commission’s decision is the result of pressure from Sinn Fein. I understand that a local Unionist politician has made representations to the Commission following news of the restrictions placed on the parade but these were dismissed. Continue Reading…

Condemning the Parades Commission decision to ban the Orange evening parade past Ardoyne, TUV Leader Jim Allister said:-

“This is a wholly provocative and perverse decision from a partisan and anti unionist Parades Commission, which urged the Orange to talk to residents and then when they did kicked them in the teeth. This is a Commission determined to humiliate Orangeism, reward republican violence and expunge unionist culture. They draw strength from the current political set up which itself is constructed on the rewarding of terrorism. Such suppression of unionist and loyalist culture is the natural compliment to IRA/Sinn Fein rule sustained at Stormont by some who will protest this decision.”

Ann’s Law gets Royal Assent

Admin —  July 9, 2013
Jim Allister MLA and Ann Travers

Jim Allister MLA and Ann Travers

The Civil Service Special Advisers Bill yesterday (8th July) received Royal Assent.

Commenting its sponsor Jim Allister said:-

“Despite all the foolish claims of some, most notably Sinn Fein, that it was not human rights compliant, the SPAD Bill passed all the rigorous scrutiny of the Attorney General, the Advocate General and the NIO’s lawyers and is now the law of the land.

“Under the Act ministers must now declare if any of their Special Advisers have serious criminal convictions and multiple murderer Paul Kavanagh, and any other serious criminal in post, has 3 weeks to activate the appeal mechanism to an independent panel on specified grounds. Otherwise Mr Kavanagh automatically loses his position 2 months after Royal Assent. Continue Reading…

Below is the speech Mr Allister made today when proposing his amendment.

I beg to move amendment No 2:
Leave out all after “glazing” and insert
“; and having no confidence in the Minister for Social Development calls on him to resign.”

I begin on a totally non-controversial note by saying that it is great to see back in the Chamber the Member for East Londonderry Mr David McClarty. [Applause].

Some Members: Hear, hear.

Mr Allister: It is marvellous that he is back with us. I am sure we all wish him every success in the recovery and the battle that he has.

I am not here today to defend the Housing Executive. I am not here today to defend any contractor, whatever vested interest others might have. I have no vested interest in defending any contractor. This debate is about the Minister. It is the Minister that this House can hold to account, and that is why that is the focus and should be the focus of the debate. True to form, of course, the DUP has tabled an amendment in an attempt to divert and divide attention away from the issue — a desperate attempt to muddy the waters as much as they can. We heard Mr Campbell today, as we heard him on the BBC last week, and I think anyone can see through it. Methinks he doth protest too much in the desperate attempts to muddy the waters in these issues. Continue Reading…

TUV leader Jim Allister has written to the Head of the Northern Ireland Civil Service requesting an investigation into the behaviour of the Special Adviser to the Minister for Social Development, Stephen Brimstone.
The texts of Mr Allister’s letter is below. Continue Reading…

McCausland and SPAD must go

Admin —  July 4, 2013

Statement by TUV Leader Jim Allister:-

“Tonight’s BBC Spotlight programme was a damming indictment of the DUP and its practice of abuse of power.

“Any self respecting DUP member should be outraged at how their own councillor, Jenny Palmer, was treated. Both Nelson McCausland and his SPAD, who represents him, should resign.

“Ministers are under a statutory duty (S 28 of NI Act 1998) to act in accordance with the Ministerial Code of Conduct which requires them at all times to “observe the highest standards of propriety”.  What objective viewers of this programme could conclude Minister McCausland has so acted?Likewise his SPAD. So both should go and would have to if this was an accountable democracy.

“Coming on the heels of the DUP’s power grab of planning powers, this programme revealed further disturbing evidence of the party’s unhealthy links with particular business interests.  Continue Reading…

Responding to a report into the HET investigations of incidents involving former soldiers TUV leader Jim Allister said:

“I find it very hard to believe that the Historical Enquiries Team have been applying “less rigour” when investigating killings by the security forces than terrorists.

“At the weekend a survivor of the Enniskillen Bomb went public about his dissatisfaction about the HET’s investigation into that incident where there is still no sign of the report years after the investigation supposedly started. I doubt very much if the HET have, for example, questioned Martin McGuinness about his role in the bombing.

“Let’s remember that no later than 2008 a BBC documentary on the Enniskillen Bomb presented by Peter Taylor alleged that McGuinness had prior knowledge of the bombing. At the time I called for McGuinness to be questioned by the PSNI about conspiracy to murder. Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV Leader Jim Allister:

“Playing with words over what won’t or will be within the proposed new Conflict Centre does not address a key issue concerning the Maze.

“What is the plan for the existing prison buildings, the IRA citadel buildings of the hospital and the H block? Sinn fein has been very clear on this issue with Raymond McCartney MLA boasting, “The listed and retained buildings…will be open to the public. There will be the opportunity for the many stories of the gaol to be told” (see The DUP remains silent on the issue, though Jeffrey Donaldson has insulted the intelligence of us all by saying Bobby Sands name won’t even be mentioned!

“Will the buildings be closed, or open? If open, for what purpose? We need to know the agreed DUP/Sinn Fein position. Continue Reading…

Statement by Jim Allister MLA and Cllr William Blair:

Commenting on the news of the closure of the First Trust Bank’s Ballymoney Branch, Jim Allister stated:

“The announced closure of the Ballymoney Branch of First Trust Bank is yet another in a long line of bank closures that are hitting North Antrim. In recent weeks Ulster Bank, Danske Bank and now First Trust have closed or intend to close branches across the constituency.

“This consolidation of branch networks hits hardest those who live in rural areas who will have to travel further to access branch facilities.

“While I welcome that staff are to be offered redeployment or an option for voluntary severance, there simply is no silver lining for customers.”

Cllr William Blair, TUV Ballymoney added: Continue Reading…