Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“However it is dressed up and whatever spin is deployed the words of the PSNI yesterday could not have been clearer. “The Provisional IRA were involved in this murder.” Anyone who cannot understand that clearly has a political interest in not understanding it.

“Put simply, the IRA exists. They have not decommissioned all their weapons. They have committed murder on the streets of our capital city.

“That being the case the DUP and UUP partner the political wing of a murderous terrorist organisation in government.

“In essence what the DUP and UUP are asking is – were the IRA stupid enough to leave a clear trail of evidence which allows them to say definitively that the IRA ordered the murdered?

“Are they looking for a signed note from P O’Neill ordering the murder or a news conference from Connolly House at which responsibility is claimed?

“It’s a nonsense. They haven’t gone away you know. But it is already clear that pro-Agreement Unionism is prepared again put their Stormont salaries above justice.”

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“Now that the PSNI have come out and said that Provisional IRA members were involved in the murder of Kevin McGuigan it is time for Unionists who work the Belfast Agreement to face up to reality.

“The DUP and UUP claim that they are only in government with Sinn Fein because the Republican movement has changed. The murder of Robert McCartney a few years before devolution was restored and the murder of Paul Quinn shortly after it was restored proved that was nonsense.

“Now, again, pro-agreement Unionism must face up to the uncomfortable reality that they partner a party in government which not only justifies the actions of the IRA in the past but whose IRA clearly still reserves the right to act as judge, jury and executioner.

“Belfast Agreement devolution has brought Northern Ireland to the brink of financial ruin with no money left even to cut the grass verges. But there is a much more profound question which must be answered who all profess to believe in democracy and the rule of law – just how many murders are the failed political institutions worth? This is no time for excuses. This is a time for facing reality.”

Revoke Shankill Bomber’s Licence

Admin —  August 20, 2015

TUV leader Jim Allister has written to the Secretary of State in the following terms:

Dear Secretary of State,

Re: Sean Kelly (Shankill bomber)

Following the arrest and questioning of Sean Kelly in connection with the recent murder in the Short Strand area of Belfast, I call upon you to urgently examine the question of revocation of his early release licence.

Given there had to be reasonable suspicion to enable him to be arrested, it is surely necessary that you examine whether he remains eligible under the scheme for release.

This is a matter of great public importance and confidence. I trust you will act decisively and effectively.

Yours sincerely,

Jim Allister MLA

Statement by Jim Allister MLA:

“I want to take this opportunity to congratulate all those involved in establishing Slemish n tha Braid Credit Union.

“I visited with them yesterday along with Cllr Timothy Gaston and I was greatly impressed by their wonderful premises, which has great scope and will be a marvellous facility for the community.

“Credit unions have such a positive role to play and I am delighted that Harryville has this facility on its doorstep.”

Echoing the comments, Deputy Mayor Cllr Timothy Gaston continued:

“Credit Unions are an asset to a community, and it is great to see that the hard work put in will benefit the Harryville Community.

“I wish the team every success, and I would encourage the Harryville community to get involved.”

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“I have written to Justice Minister David Ford asking a number of questions about the NI Courts and Tribunals Service IT system. I understand that the Service recently transferred responsibility for all its IT systems from Fujitsu to the civil service IT Assist provider.

“For some reason the NI Courts and Tribunals Service has seen fit to replace every single computer monitor at every location on its estate in Northern Ireland by a brand new monitor as part of this transition process. I have asked Minister Ford to advise me of the cost of same.

“Further, I have invited him to comment on three specific aspects.

“Firstly – is it the case that the current monitors being replaced are 100% adequate and do not need replaced – they are flat screen LCD monitors with many years life left in them? Secondly – is it correct that the old monitors will be dumped? Thirdly – are new monitors being installed in courthouses in respect of whose closure the Minister has recently consulted?

“Surely this is a saga of outrageous waste of tens of thousands of pounds at a time when the Minister regularly remind us of the squeeze within his budget.”

Statement by Jim Allister:

“Today we learned that executive parties have had a document outlining the role and functions of the Independent Commission on Information Retrieval (ICIR) since June. However, it is clear from the outrage expressed by innocent victims – who some claim are their central concern when it came to this issue – that they not only profoundly disagree with the proposals but they were not consulted about them. In fact they knew nothing about the proposals.

“The “shared understanding” of the UK and Irish Governments about the operation of the ICIR shows that it is a body which is incapable of bringing closure for innocent victims. Killers will not be named nor the identity of those who provide information disclosed. The raw information the ICIR acquires – which presumably may include DNA and other evidence which could be crucial when it comes to mounting a successful prosecution – will be destroyed when the ICIR ceases to operate.

“Some months ago I highlighted plans to bring the relevant legislation through Westminster in an attempt to keep the hands of local politicians clean and avoid local scrutiny, but the facts that the establishment of the the ICIR will be the outworkings of their Stormont House Agreement and that they have kept this information under wraps from innocent victims since June proves their culpability.

“It has been clear for many years that innocent victims are an embarrassment to those who embrace the IRA’s political wing in government but these proposals take betrayal to new level and potentially deny victims the right not only to know who killed their loved ones but also destroys the prospects of successful prosecutions in the future.

“I challenge the DUP and UUP to confirm if they have had sight of this whitewash charter since June and to declare themselves on its contents.”

Who is Ready to Help the IRA?

Admin —  August 20, 2015

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:-

“As Kevin McGuigan is buried some, including the organisation which murdered him and the governments, both at Westminster and Stormont, are hoping to also bury any resulting ramifications for the political process.

“It was no surprise that Sinn Fein warned journalists and the public that it was “unhelpful” to speculate – code for don’t blame the IRA, but when the PSNI join in the same chorus, then, it is clear that officialdom has its mind set on whitewashing the truth. This is a major test for the Chief Constable’s capacity to put proper policing above political considerations. His predecessors failed, when the choice was made to equivocate and prevaricate over who actually murdered Paul Quinn and Robert McCartney. Little wonder Catherine McCartney has expressed her concerns. She was spot on.

“But this situation is also a test for journalists and politicians. Who will relentlessly pursue and expose the truth and who will obey the Sinn Fein demand to be “helpful”? Who, for the sake of office and the process, will concur in the obfuscation and ‘constructive ambiguity’ that will attend this matter over the coming weeks. On past performance I think I know the answer, but, once more politicians, particularly unionist leaders, are being tested.”

Keeping up campaign for NI Boxing

Admin —  August 17, 2015

Six months ago in February 2015 Kate Hoey, Nigel Dodds and Jim Allister led a delegation of boxing representatives to meet Sport NI to press for action on recognition of a Northern Ireland Boxing Federation so that in international events local boxers would have the facility to compete for Northern Ireland and/or the UK, as an alternative to being forced to fight for ‘Ireland’.

On Monday 17th August at 10.30am the trio are returning to meet Sport NI, along with representatives of the NI Boxing Federation, for an update on progress.

Joint statement by Kate Hoey MP, Nigel Dodds MP and Jim Allister MLA:-

“Some two and a half years ago the Assembly voted to support the establishment of a Northern Ireland Amateur Boxing Association. The move followed concerns about sectarianism within the sport as presently constituted, concerns which were highlighted by a report produced by the club in Sandy Row and which were subsequently supported by an independent report commissioned by the Culture Minister.

“Importantly, quite apart from these issues the current governing arrangements for boxing mean it is impossible for people from Northern Ireland to represent the United Kingdom at the Olympics.

“Plans for the formation of a Northern Ireland Amateur Boxing Association are now at an advanced stage. Sadly those involved have received little support from the Sinn Fein controlled Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure. Clubs which have left the all-Ireland governing body have been denied access to funding on the spurious grounds that they must be affiliated to an internationally recognised association with no consideration given to the fact that they are in the process of establishing just such an association.

“Having perviously met with Sport NI to discuss these issues we will again meet them this Monday for a six month follow up to discuss progress on ensuring wider participation in boxing and securing the right of young men and women from Northern Ireland to represent the UK at international level should they so wish.”

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“Peter Robinson’s comments following the murder of Kevin McGuigan have a familiar ring to them because we’ve heard it all before.

“Following the murder of Paul Quinn back in 2007 Jeffery Donaldson said:
“If the IRA is involved — whether it’s individuals or — and there was a gang involved here — if there were a number of IRA members involved in this murder then that’s the actions of the IRA. We are not here to dance around this issue”.

“In March 2008 Lord Morrow told the Assembly that if Sinn Fein really believed the IRA were not behind the murder they must be “the only people on this planet who believe that”.

“Yet Lord Morrow and Mr Donaldson were happy for their party to remain in government with Republicans in spite of the murder. Sinn Fein has the DUP’s measure; they factor in their bluff and bluster in giving rein to their paramilitary wing.

“Who believes that the murder of Kevin McGuigan will seriously impact the political process any more than Paul Quinn’s murder made any difference? The process will again trump truth and justice. Who now worries about justice for Robert McCartney before partnership with Sinn Fein could be considered, as the DUP once claimed?

“Empty rhetoric is par for the course when it comes to pro-Agreement Unionism and IRA murder. No one seriously believes that it will be any different this time round.”

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:-

“Given the apparently informed speculation that Kevin McGuigan was murdered in revenge for the killing of IRA commander, Jock Davison, the key question – of security and political significance – is what organisation would be minded to revenge the killing of an IRA godfather? The answer may be obvious!

“If what are termed “mainstream republicans” were involved, then, the implications for the supposed ceasefire, even disbandment, of the IRA, Sinn Fein and the political arrangements must not be dodged. Invoking the blind eye approach of “the peace process” to let IRA/SF off the hook – as with the murder of Paul Quinn and Robert McCartney – will not only again expose the moral bankruptcy of that process, but the complicity of all who play their game. Police, politicians and all who value truth and justice must face, not fudge, the truth, however uncomfortable it might be.

“I and my party will closely watch developments with critical interest.”