Jim Allister today secured a Matter of the Day on the birth of His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge today. The TUV leader’s comments are below: Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“I, for one, am most sceptical of the PSNI claim that they have arrested 3500 less people because of protests, most recently those at Twaddell Avenue.  Sounds like excuses, excuses to me. 

TUV leader Jim Allister has challenged the DSD Minister to explain why the person being brought in to fill the role of ‘Director of Transformation’ within the NIHE a) has been recruited not by NIHE, but the Strategic Investment Board; b) why she is being paid a salary in excess of that of every other director in NIHE and in fact greater than that of the Chief Executive; and c) what is the cost of her total financial package, given that she is another recruit from GB and is claiming relocation expenses etc. Continue Reading…

Following the DUP u-turn on the Maze TUV Leader, Jim Allister, raised with SEUPB how the £18m could be spent on other projects. In reply SEUPB Chief Executive, Mr Colgan, has decreed such would be premature because “SEUPB is in discussions with the Lead Partner about the continued viability of this project”.

Commenting, Jim Allister said:- Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:-

“When Douglas Bain was appointed as Assembly Standards Commissioner I called on him to resign from the Parades Commission because of the obvious conflict which could arise when investigating any complaint connected in any way to a parade determination. He refused and insisted on clinging to both jobs.

“Now, the predictable has happened. Mr Bain finds himself compromised by his Parades Commission membership and is having to duck out of an investigation he should be conducting and, instead is putting the Assembly to the extra cost of appointing someone else to act in his place.

“This has arisen in respect of my complaint against Gerry Kelly, arising from the Castlederg episode. Mr Bain has written to me as follows:- Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:-

“The BBC’s revelation of the Northern Trust paper to induce care home closures by starving them of admissions, confirms an allegation I have long made, namely that the department and Trusts are in cahoots to secure closures by stealth. It further underscores the call I made last week, in the context of the supposed fresh consultation, that this policy must be reversed if that consultation is to be anything but a farce. Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister: 

“The revelation that the family of a convicted criminal were paid “substantial” compensation after he was murdered by former associates in the Real IRA shows that Criminal Injury Compensation needs to be reviewed urgently.

“This is an issue which falls within the remit of the Justice Minister, David Ford, and it is something which I intend to press him on.  Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV Leader Jim Allister:-

“A consultation on the how, not the why, of residential care home closures will not satisfactorily or fairly address the issues. The pre-determined reiteration that at least 50% of homes will close, whatever the merits or local needs, further suggests this latest consultation is another farce.

“A consultation supposedly to set criteria for closures, in circumstances where the Minister maintains a ban on new admissions, means homes so starved of residents are easy pickings. In the Northern Trust area there are no new admissions, so how can these homes defend themselves?

“It is only by lifting the embargo on new admissions that a fair and genuine consultation exercise can be conducted. Otherwise, it will continue to be closure by stealth. Little wonder some residents have expressed a renewed sense of betrayal.”

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“As part of my campaign to bring greater transparency to the spending of public money I have tabled a series of questions to OFMdFM about overseas travel. Months later the following questions remain unanswered:

Question tabled on 28/09/2011 To ask the First and deputy First Minister to detail (i) the total cost of their recent trip to the USA; and (ii) who accompanied them on their visit.

Question tabled 21/03/2012 To ask the First and deputy First Minister how much has been paid to photographers, or other service providers, for the provision of photographic services to the Executive for work outside Northern Ireland since May 2007. Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“I welcome today’s news that the DUP are backing the Charter for Innocent Victims of Terrorism – albeit a full four months after other Unionists did.

“When the Charter was launched I commented:

“How can Mr Donaldson and others in the DUP claim that the Centre will contain a balanced and truthful account of the Troubles when innocent victims of Republican violence are united in their opposition to the plan and will have nothing to do with it?

“Understandably the Charter makes it clear that a project which will “provide the means for terrorists to return to the Maze as “victims”, educationalists and quite possibly tour guides – self-cleansing them of their heinous crimes” is totally unacceptable to innocent victims.

“This isn’t the claim of TUV or the political opponents of the DUP but rather the innocent victims of Republican terrorism. Continue Reading…