Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister: “Some months ago we learned that Stormont had awarded an estimated £400,000 contract split between six firms for the “provision of photographic services”. Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“Peter Robinson’s address to the GAA last night illustrates just how far the DUP have departed from many ordinary Unionists. I think Jim Wells was probably more in tune with the mood on the ground when, in September 2010, he said Unionists where “being made to feel isolated and under siege in their own homes” because of the display of GAA regalia throughout Co Down. What a shift there has been even since June of this year when DUP MEP Diane Dodds described the award of the EU’s European Citizens’ Prize to the GAA as “premature” because “many in Northern Ireland see the GAA as a political organisation as much as a sporting one.” Continue Reading…


Admin —  October 14, 2013

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:-

“Considering the Police Ombudsman made a finding of state and church cover-up in relation to the notorious Claudy bombing, it is astounding and utterly unacceptable that the police investigation has been abandoned.

“Such only adds to the unease resulting from the cover-up finding.

“This was a bombing involving the Provo priest whom McGuinness denied even knowing; then it turned out he had visited him. What else is McGuinness and other IRA leaders hiding over this wicked bombing. Now, it seems the PSNI isn’t even trying to find out. How many key republican figures have they interviewed? Having already been caught out lying over Father Chesney, has the PSNI ever bothered to quiz him about what he knows. I doubt it.

“Their haste to move on and forget about Claudy is symptomatic of a reluctance to investigate anything capable of disturbing ‘the peace process’.”

Statement by TUV Leader Jim Allister:-

“Having already written to the Chief Constable about the police handling of Gerry Adams’ concealment of his brother’s confession and expressed the view that “the approach to date smacks as something driven more by political considerations than law enforcement considerations”, I trust that the Attorney General’s review will be exhaustive and satisfactory. Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“I am disappointed that the Speaker today refused my request to raise the proposed public celebration of the Shankill bomber, Thomas Begley, as a matter of the day. The plan of Republicans to commemorate this multiple murderer has caused great hurt to innocent victims and the issue should, in my view, be discussed on the floor of the Assembly.”

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“News that a plaque is to unveiled to commemorate Shankill bomber Thomas Begley will disgust people across Northern Ireland. Once again the innocent victims of IRA terrorism are being insulted by Republican insensitivity. Continue Reading…

SEUPB Decision on Maze Welcomed

Admin —  October 4, 2013

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“Ever since Peter Robinson was forced into his U-Turn on the Maze Conflict Centre I have consistently made the argument that the EU funding earmarked for the project should be redistributed to deserving projects as soon as possible. Continue Reading…

TUV Leader Jim Allister has hit out at the threat to rural primary schools posed by John O’Dowd’s review of the Common Funding Formula and, in particular, his plan to withdraw the Small Schools Subsidy. Continue Reading…

TUV leader Jim Allister has tabled a motion in the Assembly calling on the Victims’ Commissioner to consider her position after she avoided giving a straight answer when asked if the IRA and UVF were terrorists. Continue Reading…

Commission Decision Defies Logic

Admin —  October 2, 2013

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“Today’s determination by the Parades Commission defies logic. The parade on the morning of the 12th July passed off without incident. Why shouldn’t the Lodges be allowed to return home at a similar time?

“Additionally, the Commission claim in their determination that this is “not a traditional route”. This is utter nonsense given that the parade is designed to merely complete the journey home from the 12th celebration. Continue Reading…