Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“McGuinness’s comments on the IRA campaign in Oxford will have been grossly offensive to countless victims across Northern Ireland and indeed the whole of the UK.
“To claim that civilians murdered by the IRA were mistakes in operations which went wrong is grotesque nonsense. How was the death of Mary Travers, shot in the back as she made her way home from Mass, a mistake? How were the deaths of nine innocent people in the Shankill bombing anything other than deliberate – particularly when one remembers it had an eleven second fuse? Continue Reading…

Sectarian Genocide in Castlederg

Admin —  November 6, 2013

The following is a speech delivered by TUV leader Jim Allister during yesterday’s debate on terrorism in the Castlederg area:

“Last night, through our television screens, we had the opportunity to glimpse something of the pain and horror that attended the entire episode of the disappeared. Tonight, this House focuses, quite properly, on the very concentrated pain of the small town of Castlederg. It was visited, probably above all others, with the horrendous, vicious, vile, wicked, terrorism of the IRA, which was not some accidental fallout from some perception that someone somewhere was being discriminated against, but the calculated, deliberate and preconceived implementation of a terrorist campaign. Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“This morning I attempted to table a Matter of the Day on the Disappeared following last night’s harrowing BBC documentary. I had not received notice of whether or not it had been accepted before entering the Assembly chamber.

“Assembly Standing Orders state: Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“The Belfast Agreement talks had three strands. The first strand related to the internal affairs of Northern Ireland, from which the Dublin government was excluded. Continue Reading…

TUV leader Jim Allister has questioned why in the last year there has not been a single Inspection by Trading Standards Service of DETI in the Ballymena area in respect of the sale of illegally imported cigarettes. Continue Reading…

Provo Letter Bombs Were Wrong Too

Admin —  October 29, 2013

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“Martin McGuinness tells us that the letter bomb attacks of recent days were the “product of bitter, twisted little minds”. Does the same apply to the PIRA letter bomb which exploded at the London stock exchange on 24th August 1973 or the one which exploded at the Bank of England the following day, both of which resulted in injuries? Or the IRA letter bombs which injured two people in the run up to Christmas that year?

“These bomb attacks are following the Provo template and it was as wrong in the 1970s as it is today. It is the height of hypocrisy for McGuinness to condemn what has happened in the last few days when just a short time ago his party colleague Gerry Kelly was commemorating the Shankill Bomber.”

Why is Kelly above the law?

Admin —  October 25, 2013

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“Previously this week I called for the PSNI to recover the profits from Gerry Kelly’s book about the breakout of terrorists from the Maze under the Proceeds of Crime Act.

“Following an interview on the Nolan Show today I have now written to the Chief Constable calling on him to investigate Kelly under Section 5 of The Criminal Law Northern Ireland Act 1967 for withholding information about an arrestable offence, namely the shooting of prison officer John Adams on the night of the escape. Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV leader, Jim Allister:-

“Under the Proceeds of Crime Act it is possible to prevent profiting from crime and recovery of resulting assets.

“Gerry Kelly’s book, “The Escape” is patently an attempt to profit from the crime that was the Maze escape in 1983. Already the profits have been designated to assist an alleged terrorist facing trial in GB. Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“Having long campaigned on the issue I greatly welcome confirmation today that Regional Development Minister Danny Kennedy has won the battle for funding for the A26. The state of the road has been a constant bugbear for both residents and visitors. It is one of the main arteries in our Province, has one of the highest daily vehicle usage figures, and has a tragic death rate. There has been a pressing need to upgrade it for many years and today’s news will be welcomed both in North Antrim and further afield.”

Responding to comments by prominent GAA TV commentator Joe Brolly TUV leader Jim Allister said:

“The remarks by Joe Brolly underscore just how foolish Peter Robinson was in attending last night’s event and praising the GAA for supposedly reaching out across the divide. Continue Reading…