With the Dublin Parliament already having debated the fall-out from the Smithwick Report, the TUV leader Jim Allister has called for a full debate on Smithwick in Stormont. Continue Reading…
Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:
“Gerry Adams’s claim that Chief Superintendent Harry Breen and Supt Bob Buchanan died because of a “laissez faire disregard for their own security” is utterly sickening.
“The Officers were murdered because bloodthirsty terrorists went out to gun them down. They were murdered because the Garda in Dundalk who they had been meeting tipped those terrorists off.
“Adams compounded the hurt and insult he inflicted when he told the Dail that the officers were “doing their duty as they saw it in the same way as IRA volunteers were doing their duty as they saw it”.
“There is NO parallel between the officers who went out that day to try and combat terror and the criminals who went out to murder the two officers who were betrayed by the Garda.”
Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:
“Smithwick is a devastating exposure of the Garda complicity in IRA murder.
“The report has confirmed what we already knew. Throughout the Troubles the Republic was effectively a safe haven for Republican criminals and it comes as no surprise that the Garda colluded in the murders of Chief Supt Harry Breen and Supt Bob Buchanan. Continue Reading…
Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:
“The apparent suggestion by Richard Haass that Northern Ireland should consider a new flag is totally unacceptable. Continue Reading…
Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:
“As we approach the first anniversary of Union Flag being torn down from Belfast City Hall it is worth remembering that the situation at the seat of Northern Ireland’s devolved government, Stormont, has not changed. Currently the Union Flag flies from Parliament Buildings on only 15 days a year – fewer than on Belfast City Hall which follows the Designated Days published by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport. Continue Reading…
Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:
“One of my first acts as an MLA was to ask a series of questions across all departments about pay and allowances to Special Advisers.
“The question to Nelson McCausland’s department was tabled on 17th June 2011.
“The question was not answered until exactly two years later on 17th June 2013. Continue Reading…
TUV has announced that the party’s annual conference will have a focus on innocent victims this year. Speaking ahead of the event leader Jim Allister said:
“2013 has been a year when victims’ issues, after being forgotten and ignored for much too long have come to the fore. The innocent victims of IRA terrorism have found their voice and had a profound impact on the political process. In recent days the views of victims were crucial when it came to forcing a major U-Turn by the DUP when it came to the Maze shrine. Information which has emerged in the last few days about the number of visits to the site organised by DUP MLAs and MPs gives something of an insight into the selling operation engaged in by the party. Thankfully victims saw through the spin. Continue Reading…
Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:
“More than four months ago (8th July) the Civil Service Special Advisers Bill received Royal Assent. That meant that multiple murderer Paul Kavanagh had 3 weeks to activate the appeal mechanism to an independent panel on specified grounds. Otherwise Kavanagh would automatically lose his position 2 months after Royal Assent (September).
“At the end of September several media outlets reported that Kavanagh had received compensation for losing his position as a SpAd. Sinn Fein told the BBC at the time that he was continuing to work as a party adviser despite what they described as his current “limbo” position. Continue Reading…
Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:-
“I am astounded to discover through probing by an Assembly Question that last year our local health service spent almost £40m on litigation – £17.5m on legal costs and £21.5m on paying out compensation! This £40m spend is a dramatic increase of 60% from just three years ago when the spend was £25m. Continue Reading…
Statement by Jim Allister MLA:
“The new outworking of the unaccountable, undemocratic and unwanted EU is to impose the Tobacco Products Directive which has the potential to add fuel to the already well lit fire of the illegal tobacco market that is lining the pockets of terrorist groupings in Northern Ireland.
“The EU is seeking to abolish the packets of cigarettes which have less than 20, and to abolish small pouches of rolling tobacco. While I am supportive and welcome attempts to promote awareness of the detrimental health impact of smoking, this EU diktat will only result in a rise in the demand for illegal, counterfeit tobacco that funds terrorism. Continue Reading…