Archives For richard

TUV Responds to Haass Outcome

Admin —  December 31, 2013

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:-

“TUV warned throughout the Haass process that Unionism would be expected to concede ground yet again. The Sinn Fein response itself verifies our warnings. While the proposals have not yet been published – and they ought to be – it seems that what was on offer when it came to parades was mandatory consultation with objectors and code of conduct straight jacket under a renamed Parades Commission. This was not going to protect parading rights or resolve the situation in North Belfast or Portadown. Continue Reading…

Speaking in an Adjournment debate at Stormont, TUV MLA Jim Allister argued strongly for a new combined bus and rail station and extension of the park & ride facilities.

In the course of his remarks Mr Allister said:-


Mr Allister: It is doubtless that there has been a significant upsurge in the use of public transport that passes through the station, particularly the trains.  We now have a regular problem of oversubscription.  The fundamental problem is that we have not seen an upgrade in facilities to match the upsurge in use and we are left with facilities that are way below par in meeting need.  It is regrettable that that is the case, and it should spur us on to rectifying it as speedily as possible. Continue Reading…

TUV has announced that the party’s annual conference will have a focus on innocent victims this year. Speaking ahead of the event leader Jim Allister said:

“2013 has been a year when victims’ issues, after being forgotten and ignored for much too long have come to the fore. The innocent victims of IRA terrorism have found their voice and had a profound impact on the political process. In recent days the views of victims were crucial when it came to forcing a major U-Turn by the DUP when it came to the Maze shrine. Information which has emerged in the last few days about the number of visits to the site organised by DUP MLAs and MPs gives something of an insight into the selling operation engaged in by the party. Thankfully victims saw through the spin. Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“More than four months ago (8th July) the Civil Service Special Advisers Bill received Royal Assent. That meant that multiple murderer Paul Kavanagh had 3 weeks to activate the appeal mechanism to an independent panel on specified grounds. Otherwise Kavanagh would automatically lose his position 2 months after Royal Assent (September).

“At the end of September several media outlets reported that Kavanagh had received compensation for losing his position as a SpAd. Sinn Fein told the BBC at the time that he was continuing to work as a party adviser despite what they described as his current “limbo” position. Continue Reading…

Statement by Jim Allister MLA:

“The new outworking of the unaccountable, undemocratic and unwanted EU is to impose the Tobacco Products Directive which has the potential to add fuel to the already well lit fire of the illegal tobacco market that is lining the pockets of terrorist groupings in Northern Ireland.

“The EU is seeking to abolish the packets of cigarettes which have less than 20, and to abolish small pouches of rolling tobacco. While I am supportive and welcome attempts to promote awareness of the detrimental health impact of smoking, this EU diktat will only result in a rise in the demand for illegal, counterfeit tobacco that funds terrorism. Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“McGuinness’s comments on the IRA campaign in Oxford will have been grossly offensive to countless victims across Northern Ireland and indeed the whole of the UK.
“To claim that civilians murdered by the IRA were mistakes in operations which went wrong is grotesque nonsense. How was the death of Mary Travers, shot in the back as she made her way home from Mass, a mistake? How were the deaths of nine innocent people in the Shankill bombing anything other than deliberate – particularly when one remembers it had an eleven second fuse? Continue Reading…

Sectarian Genocide in Castlederg

Admin —  November 6, 2013

The following is a speech delivered by TUV leader Jim Allister during yesterday’s debate on terrorism in the Castlederg area:

“Last night, through our television screens, we had the opportunity to glimpse something of the pain and horror that attended the entire episode of the disappeared. Tonight, this House focuses, quite properly, on the very concentrated pain of the small town of Castlederg. It was visited, probably above all others, with the horrendous, vicious, vile, wicked, terrorism of the IRA, which was not some accidental fallout from some perception that someone somewhere was being discriminated against, but the calculated, deliberate and preconceived implementation of a terrorist campaign. Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“This morning I attempted to table a Matter of the Day on the Disappeared following last night’s harrowing BBC documentary. I had not received notice of whether or not it had been accepted before entering the Assembly chamber.

“Assembly Standing Orders state: Continue Reading…

Provo Letter Bombs Were Wrong Too

Admin —  October 29, 2013

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“Martin McGuinness tells us that the letter bomb attacks of recent days were the “product of bitter, twisted little minds”. Does the same apply to the PIRA letter bomb which exploded at the London stock exchange on 24th August 1973 or the one which exploded at the Bank of England the following day, both of which resulted in injuries? Or the IRA letter bombs which injured two people in the run up to Christmas that year?

“These bomb attacks are following the Provo template and it was as wrong in the 1970s as it is today. It is the height of hypocrisy for McGuinness to condemn what has happened in the last few days when just a short time ago his party colleague Gerry Kelly was commemorating the Shankill Bomber.”

Why is Kelly above the law?

Admin —  October 25, 2013

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“Previously this week I called for the PSNI to recover the profits from Gerry Kelly’s book about the breakout of terrorists from the Maze under the Proceeds of Crime Act.

“Following an interview on the Nolan Show today I have now written to the Chief Constable calling on him to investigate Kelly under Section 5 of The Criminal Law Northern Ireland Act 1967 for withholding information about an arrestable offence, namely the shooting of prison officer John Adams on the night of the escape. Continue Reading…