Archives For richard

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“Peter Robinson’s address to the GAA last night illustrates just how far the DUP have departed from many ordinary Unionists. I think Jim Wells was probably more in tune with the mood on the ground when, in September 2010, he said Unionists where “being made to feel isolated and under siege in their own homes” because of the display of GAA regalia throughout Co Down. What a shift there has been even since June of this year when DUP MEP Diane Dodds described the award of the EU’s European Citizens’ Prize to the GAA as “premature” because “many in Northern Ireland see the GAA as a political organisation as much as a sporting one.” Continue Reading…

Commission Decision Defies Logic

Admin —  October 2, 2013

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“Today’s determination by the Parades Commission defies logic. The parade on the morning of the 12th July passed off without incident. Why shouldn’t the Lodges be allowed to return home at a similar time?

“Additionally, the Commission claim in their determination that this is “not a traditional route”. This is utter nonsense given that the parade is designed to merely complete the journey home from the 12th celebration. Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister MLA:

“I welcome the announcement from the Ulster-Scots Agency that as of 1st October they are open to funding applications for Dance and Music Tuition for 2014.

“This funding is an opportunity for cultural organisations to avail of expert musical tuition which can benefit their members as individuals as well as the wider group and community.

“I would encourage anyone interested in applying for the funding to go along to one of the Road Shows being organised by the Ulster-Scots Agency for information and assistance.” Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV Leader Jim Allister:

“Lest there is anyone left who believes Mr Peter Robinson’s scurrilous allegations against me, I am publishing a letter received from the solicitor administering the estate.

“I had written asking him to confirm the facts stated in the letter and advising that I would be publishing the reply.”

The solicitors letter can be found here:




Allister Backs Trafficking Bill

Admin —  September 24, 2013

Below is the speech by Jim Allister in support of the human trafficking bill:

“I support the Bill and will vote for its Second Stage. I commend Lord Morrow on his initiative and tenacity in bringing the Bill. He will have discovered that private Member’s legislation is a long and torturous route. I commend him for getting to this point. I have to caution him that there is a long and torturous road ahead as well, but, no doubt, I am sure that he will navigate that successfully.

“It has to be indisputable that trafficking of human beings is one of the most odious and horrendous of crimes that man can commit against man. Yet it is clear that, usually for the motivation of financial gain, it is far more prevalent than any of us probably imagine or like even to think about. Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV Leader Jim Allister:

“The refusal of the Speaker to let me even raise a Point of Order on his ruling today and the failure to afford me any opportunity to answer the First Minister’s second phase of attack, which came yesterday when he allowed Mr Robinson to make a spurious Point of Order, but denied me the opportunity to answer, underscores how far the operation of Stormont falls below established standards.

“If such scurrilous allegations had been made in Westminster the affected member would have been permitted to make a personal statement. But not here, at least not for me.”

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“While the media will doubtless give McGuinness a platform to spout meaningless platitudes in the Warrington Peace Centre today my thoughts will be with those protesting outside.

“The comments of those who suffered as a result of the IRA’s Birmingham Pub Bombings in which 21 innocent people died can more eloquently explain why McGuinness is supremely unsuitable to deliver a “peace lecture”. The following is from a Justice 4 the 21 statement: Continue Reading…

TUV welcomes move on free school meals

Admin —  September 18, 2013

Statement by TUV Leader Jim Allister:-

“Having seen John O’Dowd deploy eligibility for free school meals as a funding tool to disadvantage the controlled sector in general and many rural schools in particular, like Moorfields Primary where I chair the Board of Governors, I greatly welcome the UK Government’s initiative to provide free school meals for all Key Stage 1 pupils. Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:-

“When Douglas Bain was appointed as Assembly Standards Commissioner I called on him to resign from the Parades Commission because of the obvious conflict which could arise when investigating any complaint connected in any way to a parade determination. He refused and insisted on clinging to both jobs.

“Now, the predictable has happened. Mr Bain finds himself compromised by his Parades Commission membership and is having to duck out of an investigation he should be conducting and, instead is putting the Assembly to the extra cost of appointing someone else to act in his place.

“This has arisen in respect of my complaint against Gerry Kelly, arising from the Castlederg episode. Mr Bain has written to me as follows:- Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister: 

“The revelation that the family of a convicted criminal were paid “substantial” compensation after he was murdered by former associates in the Real IRA shows that Criminal Injury Compensation needs to be reviewed urgently.

“This is an issue which falls within the remit of the Justice Minister, David Ford, and it is something which I intend to press him on.  Continue Reading…