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Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“It is easy for Arlene Foster to shoot down the most extreme and long term goals of the Irish language zealots but it is also clear that she is dodging the key questions such as:

  1. Does Mrs Foster stand over her promise to the people ahead of the last Assembly election – “We will never accede to an Irish Language Act”?
  2. Are the DUP prepared to concede “rights based” legislation, whatever it is called, which will open the door to perpetual judicial reviews funded by the taxpayer?
  3. Are the DUP prepared to give Irish official language status in Northern Ireland with all the resulting ramifications which arise from that including an expectation that Irish speakers will be dealt with in Irish by the civil service and public bodies? If that happens non-Irish speakers will be discriminated against as there will be roles they simply cannot perform.
  4. Are the DUP prepared to lift the ban on Irish in the courts with all the ramifications that will have for employment of non-Irish speakers within the legal profession and indeed the administration of justice?
  5. Are the DUP prepared to commit to equal status with English?
  6.      Are the DUP prepared to concede a language enforcer in the form of a Commissioner with statutory powers?
  7.       Has the DUP abandoned its previous position of opposition to more expenditure on the Irish language?

“The long-term goals of Sinn Fein/IRA and the Irish language lobby are clear. Any legislative provision for Irish has been repeatedly categorically ruled out by the DUP and they will not be permitted to go back on their word. I suspect that the strength of the reaction to suggestions that the DUP are preparing to move on the issue has forced Mrs Foster into making her comments today. The reaction of the Unionist grassroots on social media is there for all to see. Unionism is in no mood to compromise on this issue, not least because the Welsh and Scottish experience proves that a single Act would not be the end of the matter, but the beginning of a rolling process of ever expanding ‘rights’.”

The TUV’s 2015 conference will take place on Saturday 28th November in the Hilton Hotel, Templepatrick with public events starting at 11am.

As well as a range of topics covered by members of the party, Labour MP for Vauxhall Kate Hoey will as a special guest delivery a keynote speech in support of UK exit from the EU.  Kate Hoey, Labour MP Vauxhall, was born and educated in Northern Ireland and is Co-chair of the Labour Leave group. She will be addressing the Conference on the upcoming referendum and why people in Northern Ireland should vote to leave the EU.

Commenting ahead of the conference TUV leader Jim Allister said:

“By the end of 2017 TUV will have campaigned in not one but two key polls for the party.

“Next year’s Assembly election is of course crucial and will be an opportunity for the people of Northern Ireland to pass their verdict on five years of deadlock and an executive which contains Ministers who take their directions from the IRA Army Council.

“Equally TUV sees the referendum on EU membership as a core issue for our nation. For the first time in a generation we have the opportunity to liberate the UK from the shackles of Brussels, put an end to the flow of our tax money to an institution which is incapable of reform and regain control of our borders. David Cameron’s letter yesterday showed that his much vaunted “renegotiation” won’t achieve anything of substance even if his requests are met. The only answer is for the UK to leave the EU.

“Kate is one of the most articulate champions of the Vote Leave campaign and I am delighted that she will be addressing our conference on this important matter.”

The following platform article appeared in Saturday’s News Letter.

Since police pension regulations were reformed a few years ago there has been a glaring inequality affecting RUC widows. Under the new regulations a new police widow can retain her pension rights for life. Thus on remarriage she does not forfeit her pension. In contrast widows covered by the earlier regulations do lose their pension if they remarry. Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:-

“It is certainly no surprise to me that the Haass process is putting pressure on unionists. It was never designed to do otherwise. All such international involvement has the same tilt, because the Dublin/London/Washington nexus, which drives the process, is consciously anti-unionist. It was the same when Mitchell was the frontman. Nothing has changed under Haass. The only difference is that the DUP leader was foolish enough to join with his government buddy McGuinness to call in Haass! Continue Reading…

TUV welcomes Maze u-turn

Admin —  August 15, 2013

Statement by TUV Leader Jim Allister:-

“What a night – victory over Russia and victory on the Maze!

“Congratulations to all who campaigned so hard against the Provo Project at the Maze, particularly innocent victims. Every signature on our petition helped force the DUP into a monumental climb down. We must ensure there is no backsliding on the issue!

“Despite all the diversionary talk from Peter Robinson about the changing stance of others, his Maze u-turn is seismic, but none the less welcome for that. Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“As time goes on it is becoming increasingly clear that the concerns of innocent victims about the Sinn Fein/DUP plans for the Maze site are well founded. An answer which I received today from the Education Minister will compound those fears.

“I asked the Education Minister how his Department and schools will relate to, and use, the proposed Conflict Resolution Centre and prison buildings at the Maze site. O’Dowd responded telling me that the “Conflict Resolution Centre and prison buildings at the Maze site are likely to provide important educational opportunities for our young people”. He then went on to say that the Department could “facilitate the dissemination of materials produced by the Centre to schools” and likened this to work the Department of Education has already done with resources produced by the Imperial War Museum dealing with the Holocaust! Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV Leader Jim Allister:

“Playing with words over what won’t or will be within the proposed new Conflict Centre does not address a key issue concerning the Maze.

“What is the plan for the existing prison buildings, the IRA citadel buildings of the hospital and the H block? Sinn fein has been very clear on this issue with Raymond McCartney MLA boasting, “The listed and retained buildings…will be open to the public. There will be the opportunity for the many stories of the gaol to be told” (see The DUP remains silent on the issue, though Jeffrey Donaldson has insulted the intelligence of us all by saying Bobby Sands name won’t even be mentioned!

“Will the buildings be closed, or open? If open, for what purpose? We need to know the agreed DUP/Sinn Fein position. Continue Reading…

Extract from speech by TUV leader Jim Allister to the Lisburn protest against building the Conflict Resolution Centre at the Maze:-

“From no terrorists in government to IRA Commander as Joint First Minister; from no stadium at the Maze, because of the threat of a Shrine, to a ‘Conflict Transformation Centre’ capable only of being built beside the very Shrine buildings: that is the sad transformation of the DUP. Such is what happens when you end up in hock to IRA/Sinn Fein.

“The Conflict Transformation Centre is planned for the Maze because Sinn Fein would agree to it no where else. And in this government, what Sinn Fein wants Sinn Fein gets. But what of the people, what of the victims of the IRA, what about what they want? When were they consulted? The truth is never. Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“I am outraged to discover by way of a written answer from OFMdFM that £260,000 has been wasted on maintain the ugly prison buildings at the Maze.

“It is scandalous that such a sum has been squandered on maintaining buildings which, as numerous DUP politicians have pointed out in the past, will inevitably become a shrine to Republican terrorism.

“The First Ministers claim that they are merely fulfilling their “statutory obligations” but there are many beautiful listing buildings in Northern Ireland which have nothing like that sum spent on them. One has only to look at the dilapidated state of Craigavon House – which is a building of immense historical importance to the history of Northern Ireland and its founding – to see that the Maze is evidently receiving gold standard treatment. Why? Because the Maze prison buildings and hospital wing are hallowed ground as far as Republicans are concerned. Continue Reading…

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“In an increasingly desperate and farcical attempt to defend the DUP/Sinn Fein plans for the Maze site Jeffery Donaldson is being economical with the truth. He told us on BBC interviews both last night and this morning that there will be nothing in the new peace centre which will glorify terrorism.

“What he did not tell us is what is happening with the prison buildings. He has deliberately dogged this issue. Why? Continue Reading…